Prisoners of the Mist Character

Ciprian Vladimirescu

Basic Details

Full Name: Ciprian Nicu Vladimirescu
Pronounced: ch-pri-ann
Gender: Male
Body: Athletic/Well Toned
Scent: leather
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 176lbs
Hair: Black/Brown
Hair: Short
Hair: Well Kept
Eyes: Icy Blue/Green
Lips: Full
Skin: Dusky Tanned
Voice: Pleasing
Age: Middle Aged
Race: Human
Home: Vallaki, Barovia
Languages: Common, Balok
Occupation: Garda

Who is he?

Ciprian, often called simply "Cip" has an exceedingly charismatic personality that seems out of place in the garda. Coupled with his good looks and relatively good personality he comes across as rather likable and friendly. Whether in uniform or out, he always speaks with a chipper tone regardless of who he interacts with. While he is ever the flirt with many women who seem to show interest, he is without attachment to any.

An almost odd trait for one so good-looking with an appealing personality. While he is a man of few possessions, he does often have considerable fang to spend on various items that may draw his interest. Another odd trait for one of a local, and self proclaimed orphan.

Character Facets


Being caught by the Garda, Outlanders seeking to punish him


Inflicting pain, breaking down others to make them submit


Answering to superiors, narrow mindedness, holy warriors


To use his position with in the garda to torment and toy with as many as he is able to, achieve the rank of corporal, become wealthy

Obstacles in front of goals

Barovian law, Superiors, Outlanders

What are they willing to do to achieve their goals



Inflicting pain on himself, others, using his innate charisma and silver tongue to seduce and use women


Mundane, simple

Favorite Color

Black, Blue, Blood Red

Other Favorites

Tsuika, Mariskas Bakery, Men, Blood, Violence, Torture, Torment


His handsome face, silver tongue, skill at manipulation



Favorite thing about themself

His Face

What do they hate about themself

Lack of magic, lack of innate skill in combat

Pet peeves

Needy women, Men who break to easily, following orders

Simple pleasures

Making men uneasy with his intense gaze

Associated Groups

The Vallaki Garda

A private in the Vallaki Municipality Garda. Having served several years now, Ciprian is accustomed to the chaos and trouble Outlanders bring to his fair city.

Character Hooks

⌘ Garda RP
⌘ Blackmail RP
⌘ Manipulation RP
⌘ Torture RP
⌘ Abuse Of Power RP


Discord: Miuo
Game Account: Princess_Miuo